Good Parenting Training for Parents and its ripple effect at Kushadevi School

Community school, Shree Kushadevi Secondary School is situated in a rural area in Panauti Municipality. After evaluating the area’s needs, it was found that parents lacked awareness of the importance of effective parenting techniques. To help the representative teachers of the school prepare a comparable training for the parents of the school, ARD organized a Training of Trainers (ToT) for them. Sudarshan Bhattarai is one of the representative teachers who has closely been observing the success of “Good Parenting” training program.

According to Sudarshan Bhattarai, the representative of Shree Kushadevi Seondary School, the Good Parenting Training for Trainers (ToT) provided by ARD to the teachers at Kushadevi school has had a tremendously positive impact on the students, the teachers, and the community as a whole. The training focused on a variety of important topics, including the importance of positive reinforcement, effective communication, and setting boundaries. The teachers learned practical strategies for helping parents create a supportive and nurturing home environment that fosters healthy development and academic success.

After completing the training, the teachers were eager to share what they had learned with the parents of their students. They held a series of workshops and seminars to provide the Good Parenting training to the parents, and the response was overwhelmingly positive. Based on the conversation with the representative teachers, the parents were grateful for the opportunity to learn from the teachers and were eager to apply what they had learned to their own parenting practices. They reported feeling more confident and equipped to provide a supportive and nurturing home environment for their children.

The results of the Good Parenting training were immediately apparent in the classroom. The students were more engaged, motivated, and focused, and their behavior improved significantly. The teachers noticed a marked improvement in the students’ academic performance and social skills, and they were able to create a more positive and supportive learning environment for their students.

The positive impact of the Good Parenting training extended beyond the classroom as well. The parents reported feeling more connected to their children and more involved in their education. They also reported feeling more supported and empowered as parents, which had a positive impact on their own well-being and relationships with their children. In addition, Bhattarai shares, “After the training, parents started to visit to schools and showed concern about the studies of their children even more. This has narrowed down the communication gap between parents and schools.”

The Good Parenting training provided by ARD had a ripple effect that touched every aspect of the community. It improved the academic performance and behavior of the students, strengthened the relationship between parents and children, and empowered the parents to be more effective and supportive parents. The training was a success and had a lasting impact on the community.

The success of the Good Parenting training demonstrates the importance of investing in parenting education and the powerful impact it can have on children, families, and communities. It is a testament to the hard work and dedication of the teachers at Kushadevi school and the commitment of ARD to making a positive difference in the lives of children. The training serves as a model to make a similar impact, and it is a reminder of the crucial role that parents play in the success and well-being of their children.