Prashna Sapkota

Q. No. 1 Tell me something about you (name, age, education, interests, plans). (200 words max)

My name is Prashna Sapkota. I’m 18 years old. I took computer science to complete my schooling. I’m currently a BBS student at the Kushadevi Campus. I enjoy sports; thus, I competed in an interschool Kabaddi tournament at the college.

Being a part of the Kushadevi Youth Club has given me the opportunity to travel to Luxembourg, and I am extremely grateful for that.

Although I am studying BBS to become a businesswoman, I ultimately want to work as a social worker. I firmly believe in everyone’s good.

Q. no.2 What kind of activities did you attend during your two-week stay in Luxembourg? What did you like the most? (200 words max)

The events I went to during my two weeks in Luxembourg were:

We visited the ENAD on the first day to meet the students who receive second opportunities to pursue their education. Once the introduction was done, we proceed to the city tour. We visited the Golden Queen, the church, the security office area, the bridge area, and the children’s and youth assistance area, and after that, we had a discussion about climate change. Then we went to a university presentation on entrepreneurship, visited a home for homeless persons, and then went back to ENAD to speak with the English teacher about Luxembourg and Nepal. We discussed the cultures, educational systems, meals, and other aspects of these countries. We went to the place where biogas is produced. Additionally, we engaged in some conversation with us while we were at the Nepal festival regarding women’s emancipation and the welcome dance. We visited an organic farm, and on our final day in Luxembourg, we shared our major celebration with them. I am delighted to be a part of such activities.

Q. No. 3 How did you like Luxembourg? Can you name the biggest differences you noticed and what was similar to your hometown? (200 words max)

Despite being a small nation, Luxembourg hosts a very high density of tourist attractions, both natural and man-made.

There are a lot of differences between Nepal and Luxembourg, in my opinion.

While the traffic infrastructure in Luxembourg was well-managed, travelling in Nepal is fraught with difficulties. In contrast to Nepal, the state of the roads in Luxembourg was excellent. Since our instructors in Nepal are so strict, we often avoid talking to them, but in Luxembourg, teachers are much more approachable. Moreover, the educational system was distinct. The scenery reminded me of Nepal, I considered.

Q. No. 4 What did you learn/see in Luxembourg that you want to bring back home with you? (200 words max)

I’ve learned the importance of being on time. I learned how to greet guests at our home, how to engage in conversation with others, when to talk and when to be quiet, the traffic rules, and how to support the work of social service organizations. I also learned how to grow organic fruits, vegetables, and other food without using pesticides at an organic farm.

Q. No. 5 How overall has this visit affected you? (200 words max)

I would first like to thank the AEIN and ARD teams for giving me this wonderful opportunity. I had the pleasure to travel around the lovely country of Luxembourg. I attended a university presentation about entrepreneurship, SOS, organic farming, a homeless shelter, a biogas production facility, and other topics.

In all of these endeavors, I really appreciate what SOS and the homeless shelter accomplish because that is their major contribution. It makes me very glad to know that everyone wants to bring happiness to others in addition to themselves.


We left Tribhuvan International Airport on September 26 in order to travel to Luxembourg, and we arrived there on September 28. The AEIN team was waiting for us when we landed in Luxembourg and emerged. We were greeted by the AEIN Team when we arrived on the first day. Next, we travelled to the Lilians’ home. After that, the introduction was completed. At Lilian’s House, we then had some snacks. We placed Jamara next, followed by a supper and some brief catch-up conversations. We eventually arrived at Ishmi’s home. After getting ready, Ishmi and I chatted for a while before we ate dinner and went to bed to rest. We then got up at six the following morning. After getting ready, Iyasli and I headed to the break room. Afterwards, Jeff arrived to pick us up for our trip to ENAD. With ENAD students who were given a second chance to further their education, we conducted an introduction session. As the young people of Luxembourg led us on a city tour, we grabbed a few snacks.

We visited the Golden Queen, the Church, the Security Office Area, and the Bridge Area. Next, we visited the Children and Youths Helping Area while the youth from ENAD were away. After that, we went to the AEIN office where we had a discussion about climate change. Finally, we went for dinner at a tandoori restaurant serving Nepali food before returning to Ismie’s home and going to bed. The following morning, we awoke at 6 o’clock, got dressed, and headed to breakfast. Jeff arrived to pick up the university visit where an entrepreneurship talk would be given. After eating a snack, we went to the location where the homeless people were residing.

We ate lunch there and then went to the Lilian’s’ house where we performed dance moves, made Nepali snacks, and had lunch. Then we returned to the house to sleep at Lilian’s. The next morning, we awaken at seven. We prepared ourselves and greeted Ismi when she returned from her vacation after freshening up. Having eaten breakfast, we saw Jeff afterwards. We went to ENAD and had an English lesson with an instructor on the cultures of Luxembourg and Nepal, the educational system, and food. After that, we practiced dancing. Then we went on a ride with Jeff and relaxed at a natural location. Then, after going to a biogas production facility to learn how to use natural resources to make natural gas, we went to get some French fries.

Then we returned home, made a Nepali snack, had dinner, and went to bed. On Day 5, there was a Nepal festival, so we got up and prepared to do our dance. We had to dress traditionally. Next, we had breakfast. We attended the Nepal festival. There was a welcome program, as well as dancing, singing, and interaction. When the session was over, we got some supper and headed back home with Jeff. We spoke with Ishmi and Sam for a little while before retiring to bed to rest. On the sixth day, we got up, showered, dressed, and went to breakfast. After that, we went on a city tour of Germany. We spent the evening together in Lilian’s House. Then we returned home and went to bed to rest.

On the seventh day, after waking up, getting dressed, and eating breakfast, we visited an organic farm where we saw cows, pigs, and chickens as well as cheese made from only pure milk. Next, we proceeded to an organic market. I returned to Edmee’s home after that, where we cooked a Nepali meal together and went to bed. On the eighth day, we awoke, dressed, and then ate breakfast before heading to ENAD for the final time. There, we prepared the Luxembourgish food together and brought the lunch back home. After an hour of conversation with Ismi, we went to bed and dozed off.

On the ninth day, we visited the SOS to observe how they create a welcoming environment for infants and people who were afflicted with various diseases. After that, we went to the meeting where we had to perform the dance. Once that day’s work was complete, we returned home with Ismi, chatted with her, and then went to bed to rest. On our final day in Luxembourg, we went to Lilian’s house to celebrate Dashain, our major festival. 

With the AEIN team, we created various Nepalese culinary items and celebrate Dashain. We had lunch, took a break, explored the Schengen area, went to supper at a tandoori restaurant, engaged in gossip there, returned home, spoke with Ismi, and finally retired to bed. And on the day we were returning to Nepal, we were all feeling sad about leaving them, but we had to return to our hometown.